"There is no love sincerer than the love of food"
George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman (1903) act 1

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Never stop growing

Why it’s never enough

If you lift like I do, you know that there is no end to your growth in the gym.  You look forward to gym day and do everything necessary to prepare – you make your shakes, eat extra during the day, prepare a badass playlist and are sure to get your sleep the night before.  What you don’t do is put the bar down unless you are absolutely unable to continue.  This is a perfect microcosm for the process of self growth in general and the mastery of Food Game in particular.  It’s tempting to come back from the gym and whip out some lame roasted chicken breasts with salt and pepper and potatoes or even worse grab some low grade low value prepared food for too much money.  Now I am really focused on eating as much as possible in the hours after my workout, so I understand the desire to whip something out.  But if you do this you have lost an opportunity to better yourself and in the process eat something awesome.  I firmly believe that the best thing Game can offer is a motivation to self improvement.  The attention of a beautiful woman is intoxicating, and the stronger your fundamentals the better you can pull.  So when I came home tired at 8 pm after a crazy work day and giving 100% at the gym I settled in to 45 minutes of focused high level cooking.  It does help to have experience and skill in the kitchen to create food like this in this time frame of course, but that is why we practice.  Just like we are always seeking growth in the gym we must seek that in all areas of our life.  Few are as rewarding as food, because at the end of all that cooking we get to eat, and if we eat right we grow stronger and stronger.

A simple weekday meal ready to stirfry

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